Plumíferos (Free Birds) is an upcoming Argentine computer-animated feature film being made by Manos Digitales Animation Studio. Some scenes from the film were first shown at the 2005 and 2006 Blender Conferences, and a teaser was later released which showed one of the birds auditioning for the role. The first official trailer was shown on March 10 at the 2007 Mar del Plata Film Festival, where a presentation about the film was organized.
"It's an everyday universe that exists 7 feet over our heads. They are city birds that you can find in every tree or every corner."
Juan: a sparrow that feels ordinary and underestimates his own race. Accidentally, he changes the way he looks, and the same reason that will make him feel unique is what is going to put his life in danger.
Feifi: a beautiful canary that manages to escape from the cage of a network tycoon Mr. Puertas, and starts trying a new life in freedom, as a common bird.
Both of them will need to be something that they aren't and will face danger and adventures with their friends (Libia, the Pidgeon; Pipo, the Humming Bird; Clarita, the Bat; and some more). A clumsy cat, some psyco Southern Lapwings and Mr. Puertas will make everything even harder for them. Juan and Feifi will try to shape their destiny to feel truly free.
The project, after internal problems[1], has been completed and the final result will debut in theaters in Argentina on February 18, 2010
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"It's an everyday universe that exists 7 feet over our heads. They are city birds that you can find in every tree or every corner."
Juan: a sparrow that feels ordinary and underestimates his own race. Accidentally, he changes the way he looks, and the same reason that will make him feel unique is what is going to put his life in danger.
Feifi: a beautiful canary that manages to escape from the cage of a network tycoon Mr. Puertas, and starts trying a new life in freedom, as a common bird.
Both of them will need to be something that they aren't and will face danger and adventures with their friends (Libia, the Pidgeon; Pipo, the Humming Bird; Clarita, the Bat; and some more). A clumsy cat, some psyco Southern Lapwings and Mr. Puertas will make everything even harder for them. Juan and Feifi will try to shape their destiny to feel truly free.
The project, after internal problems[1], has been completed and the final result will debut in theaters in Argentina on February 18, 2010
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